Friday, February 11, 2011

Richard Devine Really Likes His Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4

gearwire | 2011年02月08日 |
Lover of John Cage and non-standard time-signatures Richard Devine might seem out of place on a bill that includes dance-music-hero BT, but his decidedly more avant-garde musical stylings actually served to highlight the wide-raging appeal of the new iZotope Stutter Edit performance and production software.

Gino Robair spoke with Devine after his eclectic set at the iZotope NAMM party. Though he was there to help support the release of Stutter Edit, he had a lot of nice things to say about the new Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4, the newest controller that makes use of all the sound shaping and loop creating abilities of Traktor Pro.

For a taste of what Richard Devine makes of the new iZotope Stutter Edit software, dig this.