Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Empress Multidrive On-The-Fly
投稿者: ProGuitarShopDemos | 作成日: 2011/03/14
I'm PGS Andy and today we're having another look at the seemingly endless tonal variations of the Empress Multidrive. This time around we'll be focusing on the Multidrive's parallel stacking possibilities, and how they might be used for sculpting tones in a live setting. The Empress Multidrive's innovative parallel design can be compared to a mixing board, where each isolated
channel can be blended into the mix, or pulled out entirely, without affecting the other channels. For example, in a live setting you might have fuzz, drive, and distortion all on, and then use each channel's volume knob like a console's fader to create your "mix" of dirt sounds on the fly. As we'll see, this strategy can really maximize the full tone-blending potential of the Empress
Multidrive.- http://proguitarshop.com/store/effects-distortion-pedals-c-602_12/empress-eff...